Monday, January 6, 2014

24 Week Check-Up

I'm not 24 weeks yet, but they had to get me something before my trip home and this was the best date.

Today I Am: 22 weeks and 3 days
Baby's Heartbeat is: 150
My weight is: None of your business :)

Today's appointment was mostly about going over our ultrasound. I was anxious to know that everything with our little boy was perfect and that he was developing correctly. Dr. Vroon flipped through our charts and assured us that everything looked great! "Looks like he might be tall." He also said everything looked good for me to travel on the 10th, so all I needed to do is get my flight letter from the front desk and I was good to go. 

I always love getting to hear his heartbeat. Today he kicked the monitor as soon as the nurse placed it on my stomach. Then she had to chase him around to get an accurate reading. Finally she got him still enough to where she could tell that his little heart was perfect <3 

Overall, everything went well today! 

I'm feeling him move more and more… It's such a wonderful feeling! I'm excited, because I know my family will be able to feel him move easily by the time I make my trip to Georgia.

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