Friday, September 6, 2013

Bump Update!

Today I am 5 weeks pregnant!

Baby Blair is growing rapidly and will almost triple in size this week. 

Our little apple seed will become  a small sweet pea,
 weighing less than .04 ounces and .25 inches.

He or she will be developing basic facial features this week, including:
eyes, ears, chin, jaw, cheeks, and nose.

Our sweet babies little heart is starting to pump blood,
beating 80 times a minute <3

(Compliments of Google)

Mommy Report:
So far I still feel pretty good! No food aversions and no specific cravings. Still getting sick if I don't eat ever few hours, sometimes sooner. I'm using the restroom A LOT. The past two nights I've gotten up to use the bathroom 2 or 3 times and usually get a snack around 3:30 AM. I'll eat crackers or a fruit cup, usually with a glass of whole milk :) YUM! I'm still taking my prenatal vitamins every morning and I've gained one pound so far this week! School starts for me on the 9th of this month. It will be interesting to see how I manage it all as my pregnancy symptoms increase.

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