Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's Just a Little Blood

For the time being we only have one vehicle in our household. So at least one day a week I ride to base with Steven to run errands and get out of the house. Sometimes I meet up with friends between paying bills, checking the mail, and buying groceries.

With the new discovery of our little apple seed, I had a few more errands to run today.

First thing this morning, after dropping Steven off at work, I went to the clinic to take a pregnancy test.
(The clinic requires you to do this before they will refer you to Women's Health or order any of your other lab work.)

I took the test, with the help of a Mango Madness Snapple, and waited for the results. There is something about getting the news from a doctor that makes it even more exciting. I remember telling myself, "Of course you already know its coming back positive... But what if it comes back positive!?" Horrible logic, I know. You just can't help but not believe it 100% until a person in a lab coat tells you so.

I'm given a small form from the lady at the front desk and told someone will be out soon to talk with me. This is new! The last time I did this, a month ago, I got a call a week later after I already knew I wasn't pregnant. "This is different," I tell myself. My excitement is at an all time high now and I fill out the form quickly, tracing back over all the letters as I wait. When the nurse finally comes out, she congratulates me and gives me some information. "Go pick up your prenatal prescription, head over it Women's Health for more paperwork, and congratulations!"

She wasn't kidding about the paperwork! By the way, I am not the best person to be concentrating on medical history and social security numbers right after receiving life changing news.. I had a few mark outs, re-dos, and sloppy signatures throughout it all. When all was said and done, I returned the folder and my appointments were made! The lady kindly informed me that I could do my other lab work at any time.

My excitement is shaken... Blood work!

I've never been one to enjoy getting blood drawn. Who is? Except, for me, it has nothing to do with the needle and everything to do with you touching my veins and taking the blood out of my body. I don't like it, because I usually get sick. Why should this be any different? I decide to get it over with and so I headed back to the lab.

My technician leads me back and begins prepping. She informs me that she will be taking 6 vials of blood and that it is nothing. I'm proud of myself, because I'm being pretty adult about the whole thing. I mean, I'm going to be a mother soon, so I need to be able to handle a little blood being drawn! (For the record, I had lunch 30 minutes prior to this. So, yes, I did eat!)

She begins the process and is asking me questions. "Was it a planned pregnancy?" "Wonderful! How far along are you?" I answer well enough and then the room starts spinning. "Are you okay?" I think I told her I was feeling a little sick. She tells me to let her know if we need to stop and continues. My whole body goes numb and the next thing I knew I was face down on the chair arm. (Thank goodness she had it surrounding me!) She stops immediately and lays me down on the exam table. Getting me a glass of water and asking me a few questions to make sure I'm ok.

I pretty much feel like an idiot, and only 3 vials are completed. :( I apologize several times, and she reschedules me for tomorrow morning... Thankfully, after looking at the blood she took, she decides that she only needs two more vials when I come back.

Hoping for a better reaction tomorrow :)

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