I'm southern girl at heart.
Born in the great state of Georgia!
I met Steven, my husband, when I was fifteen years old and we dated for three and a half years before getting married on November 10th, 2007.
In early 2008, after joining the Air Force, Steven left for boot camp followed by tech school in Texas.
Meanwhile I stayed in Georgia to work, spend time with family, and prepare everything for our first duty station. It was the longest we had ever been apart since we met.
We stayed in touch. I wrote him every day and sent letters out every week. He wrote and called when he could. After 4 months of training, and a few visits in between, we learned our first duty assignment.
We had talked about our options, "Maybe they'll send us to California, or closer to home in Florida." We were excited about the possibilities and ready to start our lives together.
When we were told that our first base would be Ramstein AB, Germany
(the land of Schnitzel, beer, and snowy winters)
a whole new world opened up to us! At the age of 19, I couldn't believe that for three years we would be living in another country and experiencing so many new things.
Germany was our first home together. It taught us how to be a married couple, and that the world is a lot bigger than we thought! We made great friends and adopted our cat Maggie while we were there. I miss it terribly and it will always be a very special place to me.
Now, we are two years into a 4 year assignment at Aviano AB, Italy
(the land of pasta, wine, and perfect summers).
The food is amazing, the people are interesting, and there are so many things to see and do!
We have experienced our first deployment, countless TDY's, and our share of growing pains. It hasn't always been easy. I miss my family, my friends, and the conveniences of the states...
but I love my life.
I am a wife, a homemaker, a full time student at UMUC, and soon I'll be a mother.
I have learned that home isn't a building. It isn't the place where I grew up. It isn't tied to any ONE location.
As a military spouse, home is where ever the Air Force sends my husband. Home is where our journey has taken us so far, and where it has yet to send us. Home is where my heart is, and my heart has grown so much over the past 6 years.
Of course I'm still a Georgia girl, through and through! But my heart is in Germany. My heart is in Italy, in Georgia, New Mexico, Florida, and even Alaska.
Steven and I have been blessed with so many wonderful people in our lives that our hearts are spread across the globe.
I hope that this blog will help bring us all a little closer, and that it reminds you all of how important friends and family can be.
Especially when we're oceans away.
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