Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

It has been a very merry Christmas this year.
Laying in bed this morning Steven felt our little boy move for the first time <3

We opened presents, watched Christmas movies, and ate holiday food. Wearing our PJ's that we gifted one another the night before (one of my favorite Christmas traditions), we had a lazy and wonderful day.

And who could forget Maggie <3

Monday, December 23, 2013

Baby Blair is a….

Today we found out that Baby Blair is a baby BOY!

"I found out today that I'm going to have another handsome man in my life <3  We are SO excited and I couldn't be any happier to have a sweet little boy call me mommy" - FB

He was proud to show us his man business and moving around like crazy! The tech showed us our little miracle and it was truly a magical experience. Today also confirmed that all the little bumps and nudges I've been feeling are absolutely him! Now comes the hard part… The name game!

Here are some photos of our little man: 

*His man business*

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Bump Update and CES Christmas Party

Today (Dec. 20th) I am 20 Weeks pregnant!

Baby Blair is around 6.5 inches and 10.6 ounces!

Soon we will know if it's a Miss or Mister… But in the meantime,

Our sweet babes senses are beginning to develop
and its motor skills are more controlled and conscious.

Last night was Steven's Squadron "Holiday" Party… 
Aka Christmas Party.

Not my favorite holiday pastime, but an important time for military wives to represent their spouses.

The food was good… and it's always nice to catch up with the other spouses, but that's about it.

Monday, December 2, 2013


Something amazing happened today…

As I was sitting on the couch, eating lunch and talking to my mom while she was driving to work,
I felt Baby Blair move for the first time!

It is definitely a little earlier than most people feel it, but it was unmistakably my baby's nudges that I felt in my tummy.

Every week, every time I see my growing belly and with every new realization, my heart seems to grow and my love for this person that I haven't even met yet surprises me.

Just keep swimming my little miracle :)

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Bump Update!

Today I am 17 Weeks Pregnant!

Baby Blair is 5.6 inches and 6.7 ounces!

His/her bones are beginning to harden and the baby may be able to hear my heartbeat.

Fat is beginning to form under my little bits skin.

Christmas Market in Salzburg, Austria

Kicking off the holiday season right! Friday morning, the day after Thanksgiving, we hopped in the car and drove to Salzburg, Austria for their annual Christmas Market!

Listening to Christmas music, we enjoyed a beautiful , snowy view as we drove through the Austrian Alps.

Steven and I had a great day. Did a little shopping, ate a little austrian food, and walked the streets where The Sound of Music was set. 

Happy Holidays from our family to yours!

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Gobble, Gobble!!

Happy Thanksgiving, all! The past few days have been crazy and I am so glad that the flu shot didn't affect me too badly. I've been cooking for the past 48 hours and I can't wait to eat some of this yummy southern goodness! 

Our friends, the Cravinhos, are coming to celebrate with us, along with a few of the single airmen our husbands know. It is really important to have special people that you can celebrate the holidays with when you are so far from home and I'm glad we get to spend it with them! 

We went around the dinner table and said what we were thankful for,  ate an outrageous amount of food, and enjoyed the day.

Over all… Great food, great company, and my favorite Thanksgiving game made for a wonderful Turkey Day! 

Also, Baby Blair received his/her first outfit!

Thank you, Nicole and Jake, for the adorable onsie and hat from Old Navy!! I can't wait to put it on our little bundle of joy :)

Monday, November 25, 2013

16 Week Check Up

Today we had our 14-20 week appointment. There wasn't very much to talk about and it went rather quickly. We saw Dr. Caranta and she said that everything looks great! She does want me to pick up my weight gain, but other than that baby and I are doing fine!

Today I am: 16 weeks and 4 days pregnant
Baby's heartbeat: 140 bpm
My weight: 116

Found out that I have to have some more blood work done, but not more than a couple of biles. Also, I got my Flu shot! Woohoo!! Praying that it doesn't affect my cooking for Turkey Day…

Most exciting thing? I should be feeling my little peanut move soon! AND We scheduled our ultrasound to find out what Baby Blair will be :) Bad news? It's a month away :(

Come on holidays, help this time go by fast so I can know what my little miracle will be <3

Friday, November 15, 2013

Bump Update!

Today I am 15 Weeks pregnant!

Baby Blair is 4 inches and 2.5 ounces!

Our little bit is growing hair on its head and 
has possibly began to suck his/her thumb!

Mommy Update:

I'm finally feeling like my old self again! I have an appetite and my baby bump is still growing :)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Happy 6 Year Anniversary!

About 9 years ago I walked up the bleachers at the homecoming game and met him for the first time. 6 years ago, at the age of 19, we were married. 

Every day has been an adventure, and I am amazed at how our love continues to grow. 

Sometimes dreams do come true, 
and I'm feeling incredibly blessed to have found the love of my life and to celebrate with him on this day.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Bump Update!

Today I am  13 Weeks  pregnant!

*Typo…. Trimester*

I'm entering my second trimester and beginning to feel like a human being again.

Baby Blair is approximately 2.9 inches and .81 ounces.

I'm finally starting to show and our little munchkin's body is beginning to grow and move. 

Baby Blair has begun breathing in amniotic fluid and little bit has begun to potty in mommy's tummy. 

*Compliments of*

The Lost Weeks

As you all have noticed, there were several weeks spent without photos or weekly updates. Part of that was due to "morning" sickness and the other due to the fact that I couldn't remember my e-mail/password for the blog. I'm going to attempt to fill in those weeks now! Here we go.....

I like to refer to the 5 or so weeks in my first trimester as "the lost weeks." The period of time that people sometimes warn you about, but you can never fully appreciate until you've lived it.

It started almost the very day that I hit 6 weeks of pregnancy and didn't let up until week 13-14. At first I just felt bad, but soon I could barely do anything without waves of nausea and vomiting hitting me. Steven would come home to find me in the same place on the couch with trash can by my side, crackers, and water. Some days I managed to eat more than others. Most days I forced myself to eat only to lose it later. I felt like I had been  riding the orbiter (that ride at the Coosa Valley Fair that spins like crazy) at least 10 times in a row... The worst kind of motion sickness.

During this time I was enrolled in two online courses, which was very hard considering that looking/scrolling on the computer made me feel absolutely horrible. I muddled through and prayed for the strength to get assignments done on time. Luckily I had a very understanding teacher who worked with me through some assignment deadlines and I came out with 2 A's.

Car rides... A nightmare. 

Around the 4th of July I'd had enough. After having such a bad day that I almost ended up in the hospital, I thankfully got ahold of some very helpful medicine from the Women's Clinic on base. It didn't always work, but it allowed me to sleep and keep food down. 

There was something wonderful that happened in the midst of all of the suffering... On week 8 Steven and I got our first glimpse of our little miracle. 

My first ultra sound was nothing like I had expected. I thought it would look like a blob or some weird distorted image, but we were both amazed to see a little person on the screen! Little arms and legs as tiny as can be, and a heart beat fluttering at 182 beats per minute. It was the coolest, most beautiful thing I had ever seen! The nurse even commented on how clear and good our picture was. It was like our little one wanted us to assure us that everything was fine.

And then he/she wiggled :) Just a little shimmy that happened so quickly we might have missed it if we blinked, but it was all that I needed to see to know that our little bit was strong.

*October 4th 2013*

I had been so worried about how Baby Blair was doing while I was having such a hard time keeping food down. (Although I managed to keep my vitamins down 99% of the time) I couldn't help but worry.

The doctor reassured me that my sickness meant that the baby was VERY healthy, and he even checked several times to make sure I wasn't having twins! This little encouragement helped me get through the next few weeks that I had left to deal with it.

Everything checked out. My blood work came back perfect, with one little hiccup. We found out that I am A- and Steven is A+.  This just means that I will have to have a special shot at 28 weeks to help my body accept the baby if our blood were to somehow mix, just in case he/she is + like daddy. Once our little peanut is born they will check the blood type and determine if I need another shot or not.

So, that is what I have been up to over the past 7-8 weeks! Steven has been a real trooper. Taking care of everything and letting me  waste away on the couch… Pushing food my way every chance he got.

Now, I'm feeling better every day and only taking my nausea medicine when I have to be in the car.

Looking forward to updating the blog and getting you all up to speed :)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Bump Update!

 Today I am 6 Weeks pregnant!

Baby Blair has continued to grow and is now
10,000 times larger than when this whole things started!

He or She is .51 inches and weighs less than .04 oz.

Brain cells are now generating at the rate of 100 per minute

Tiny legs and arms are beginning to bud!

And our little blue berry's face is becoming more defined, 
and has a heart beating 100 to 160 times per minute :)

*Compliments of

Mommy Report: 
Welcome to the wonderful world of morning ... and afternoon, and night... sickness! I haven't been feeling so wonderful the past few days, but I'm still eating like I'm supposed to and still seeing a steady weight gain. I gained another pound this week, which is exactly what the nutritionist recommends during the beginning of pregnancy!  Having a few emotional moments, but nothing too out of control. Mostly just crying if I see a stray animal or getting my feelings hurt easily. Looking forward to the end of this first trimester and the beginning of feeling better and looking pregnant :) 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hello, Morning Sickness

Today is the first day that my pregnancy has left me feeling awful. I guess the constant hoping and praying that morning sickness would skip me all together was a little unrealistic.

I went to bed the night before with a slight headache, and woke up this morning feeling like I had the stomach flu. Even though I didn't really feel like eating, I made myself. Crackers, rice, fruit cups, and some toast. This helped a little bit...

Still, the nausea waves came in spurts and the only thing I really did all day was lift a remote and nap.
(On a more positive note, I'm now on season 2 of my Boy Meets World marathon!)

I did feel okay enough to fix dinner for Steven tonight.

He re-payed me by rubbing my feet :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

First Time Parents at Aviano

Today I had my very first appointment, a mandatory first time parents class. I got up extra early to get ready, giving myself time to have some cereal and make my grocery list. Having one car makes week day outings and all day event, so I like to be prepared. 

 Most of my morning went by slowly... Snack, gas coupons, post office, etc. I had planned to have lunch with Steven and then attend the class alone afterwards, deciding that there were more important appointments for Steven to leave work for. So I was happily surprised when he called to tell me he wanted to come and that his superior said it was fine.

We had lunch at the bowling alley (I had a YUMMY cheeseburger and curly fries). Then we headed over to the clinic.

In true military fashion, the class ended up being more of a briefing than anything else. We met in Women's Health and then a nurse took us to the "classroom" upstairs to start. We were all given a folder with information sheets, print-outs, and DVDs inside. And for the next two and a half hours we sat while people from all different areas on base came in to talk to us. Nutritionists, lactation consultants, legal, WIC, dental, fitness consultants, and family advocacy all stopped by to give us info and tips on how they could help us through pregnancy and birth.

Legal and nutrition were the most helpful, in my opinion. Legal informed us that our baby will have an italian birth certificate, and that we have to submit paperwork for our names to be added to it. Apparently, in Italy, the country does not recognize the parents as legal guardians unless they submit a form requesting to be placed on the birth certificate. The government believes that this reduces the number of abortions, because a mother can have her baby in a hospital and then leave without any consequences. Her baby belongs to the Italian government unless she decides otherwise. The legal representative also gave us information on when we can start our baby's paperwork and lots of other important info that we will need once the baby is born. The nutritionist gave us handouts with ideal pregnancy "super foods" that would help with our baby's development. He gave us meal plans and also a list of what to avoid.

Over all, I'm glad we went. There were times when I wanted it to just be over, but it definitely would have been A LOT more boring if Steven hadn't been there. Also, the whole experience made the pregnancy more real. :)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Good Signs

We planted our rose bush in April and have been waiting for it to grow and bud ever since. I worried for months that I had somehow killed it while planting, or the soil was wrong. It just wouldn't grow!

This morning Steven and I went out on the back porch to enjoy the morning and found this...

What a wonderful sign of things to come. God just keeps giving me confirmation of His love and beauty. Reminding me that he is always near.

I will always remember that our roses started to bud the week we found out about our little miracle. :)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Bump Update!

Today I am 5 weeks pregnant!

Baby Blair is growing rapidly and will almost triple in size this week. 

Our little apple seed will become  a small sweet pea,
 weighing less than .04 ounces and .25 inches.

He or she will be developing basic facial features this week, including:
eyes, ears, chin, jaw, cheeks, and nose.

Our sweet babies little heart is starting to pump blood,
beating 80 times a minute <3

(Compliments of Google)

Mommy Report:
So far I still feel pretty good! No food aversions and no specific cravings. Still getting sick if I don't eat ever few hours, sometimes sooner. I'm using the restroom A LOT. The past two nights I've gotten up to use the bathroom 2 or 3 times and usually get a snack around 3:30 AM. I'll eat crackers or a fruit cup, usually with a glass of whole milk :) YUM! I'm still taking my prenatal vitamins every morning and I've gained one pound so far this week! School starts for me on the 9th of this month. It will be interesting to see how I manage it all as my pregnancy symptoms increase.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's Just a Little Blood

For the time being we only have one vehicle in our household. So at least one day a week I ride to base with Steven to run errands and get out of the house. Sometimes I meet up with friends between paying bills, checking the mail, and buying groceries.

With the new discovery of our little apple seed, I had a few more errands to run today.

First thing this morning, after dropping Steven off at work, I went to the clinic to take a pregnancy test.
(The clinic requires you to do this before they will refer you to Women's Health or order any of your other lab work.)

I took the test, with the help of a Mango Madness Snapple, and waited for the results. There is something about getting the news from a doctor that makes it even more exciting. I remember telling myself, "Of course you already know its coming back positive... But what if it comes back positive!?" Horrible logic, I know. You just can't help but not believe it 100% until a person in a lab coat tells you so.

I'm given a small form from the lady at the front desk and told someone will be out soon to talk with me. This is new! The last time I did this, a month ago, I got a call a week later after I already knew I wasn't pregnant. "This is different," I tell myself. My excitement is at an all time high now and I fill out the form quickly, tracing back over all the letters as I wait. When the nurse finally comes out, she congratulates me and gives me some information. "Go pick up your prenatal prescription, head over it Women's Health for more paperwork, and congratulations!"

She wasn't kidding about the paperwork! By the way, I am not the best person to be concentrating on medical history and social security numbers right after receiving life changing news.. I had a few mark outs, re-dos, and sloppy signatures throughout it all. When all was said and done, I returned the folder and my appointments were made! The lady kindly informed me that I could do my other lab work at any time.

My excitement is shaken... Blood work!

I've never been one to enjoy getting blood drawn. Who is? Except, for me, it has nothing to do with the needle and everything to do with you touching my veins and taking the blood out of my body. I don't like it, because I usually get sick. Why should this be any different? I decide to get it over with and so I headed back to the lab.

My technician leads me back and begins prepping. She informs me that she will be taking 6 vials of blood and that it is nothing. I'm proud of myself, because I'm being pretty adult about the whole thing. I mean, I'm going to be a mother soon, so I need to be able to handle a little blood being drawn! (For the record, I had lunch 30 minutes prior to this. So, yes, I did eat!)

She begins the process and is asking me questions. "Was it a planned pregnancy?" "Wonderful! How far along are you?" I answer well enough and then the room starts spinning. "Are you okay?" I think I told her I was feeling a little sick. She tells me to let her know if we need to stop and continues. My whole body goes numb and the next thing I knew I was face down on the chair arm. (Thank goodness she had it surrounding me!) She stops immediately and lays me down on the exam table. Getting me a glass of water and asking me a few questions to make sure I'm ok.

I pretty much feel like an idiot, and only 3 vials are completed. :( I apologize several times, and she reschedules me for tomorrow morning... Thankfully, after looking at the blood she took, she decides that she only needs two more vials when I come back.

Hoping for a better reaction tomorrow :)

Bump Update!

Today I am 4 weeks and 5 days pregnant! 

My perspective due date is...
May 9, 2014!

That's right! Baby Blair is due on Mother's Day. 
And I can't think of a better present than that :)

Right now our baby is the size of an apple seed.
(about .13 inches and weighing less than .04 ounces)

He or she is dividing into three layers of cells.
The top layer will eventually become the central nervous system:
the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and backbone.
The middle layer will develop into the circulatory system
and the bottom layer is where the lungs, intestines, thyroid, and other major internal organs will develop.

I'm not feeling very many symptoms right now.
Of course I'm tired and my chest is sore, but the nausea only happens if I don't eat every couple of hours and it goes away as soon as I'm fed!

*Three pregnancy tests to convince Steven :)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Travels, Babies, and Fender Benders...

This Labor Day weekend started out like any other long weekend. Steven had four days off, so we planned to travel with some friends. The location? Vienna, the capital of Austria.

Before we left on Friday morning I took a pregnancy test.The test was negative, as usual. And I promised myself I wouldn't think about it anymore this weekend as we walked out the front door to leave.

The city was clean and beautiful. The architecture was lovely and the people were friendly. We saw palaces, gardens, capital buildings, and even took a class on how to make an austrian apple strudel! The boys of course sampled the local Austrian beer. I remember eating a lot of German food and feeling tired, but I contributed this to all the walking we did. Keeping my promise not to spend another weekend worrying if I had conceived or not. Our friends kept us busy, and vice versa. We had a wonderful weekend and I got to mark another travel destination off my list!

September 1st, on our way back to Italy, we stopped at a rest station and I remember seeing some spotting. Confirming what I had already known, I thought, "Oh, well. Better luck next month!" I was slightly disappointed, but I had felt little cramps on Saturday that prepared me for the inevitable arrival of my period. So when we got home that night I was a little surprised to realize that nothing more had come from it. I made dinner, snuggled with our cat Maggie, got comfortable, and passed out on the couch. I didn't give my fatigue too much thought. Then Monday morning happened.

When I woke up on Monday morning it was still early, especially considering we had no where to be that day (Around 6:30 AM). I noticed that "Aunt Flo" still hadn't arrived, and that is strange for me. Deciding that taking a pregnancy test wouldn't be a complete waste, I tested my luck yet again...


I couldn't believe it, but there is was. "Pregnant" written across the screen. I didn't sit alone like most women do, contemplating what this meant, how it would change everything. I had been imagining all those things for months, so all I wanted to do was tell tell Steven. ASAP!

He was still asleep, and I bounced on the bed asking him to turn the light on and look at me. I think I worried him at first, and in retrospect I should have been a little more calm when waking him up, but I couldn't help it! He saw the test and looked surprised, then skeptical. It would take 2 more tests, one with him sitting in the bathroom with me and watching it with his own eyes change from an hour glass to "pregnant," before he really began to believe it.

We were both filled with excitement and I bounced once again off the bed and into the other room to celebrate. That is when the first of many commands happened, "Don't bounce around like that! You'll hurt the baby!" Followed by, "Get ready so we can go get you some good things to eat." "Did you take your prenatal vitamin today?" "Have you had any water yet?" I LOVED it. It was the first sign to me that he cares just as much about this pregnancy as I do.

The rest of the day was a little bumpy. Our trip to the commissary ended as soon as we got there and realized it was closed for the day, Labor Day (Duh)! The day was saved momentarily when we decided to eat at Burger King and discovered they had chocolate milk shakes now (Which was perfect for dipping my French fries in). Yum!! We were feeling good and talking babies on the ride home when Steven accidentally rear ended the car in front of us. Maybe we were both a little distracted with everything else that was happening. The good news is that there was barely any damage to either car and we have insurance! After an hour of broken Italian and translator apps we had everything squared away and made it back home in one piece.

Overall, I think today was one of the most exciting days of my life. I have been given a blessing that only God could give... I am carrying a beautiful life and it is with the person I love most in the whole world. I can't really explain what it feels like... I just know that I have never felt so complete or so close to Steven. I've never felt so happy or favored by God in my whole life.

After 6 months of thinking and planning and hoping... Baby Blair is here and growing inside me. It is truly a miracle from God!